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Mindful Smart Cities
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The Problem:

Smart Cities Views Are Fragmented.

Mindful Smart City Provides Systemic Solutions:


My Vision

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected and complex. This increasing rate of Interdependencies gives rise to a complex, uncertain, urbanised and ambiguous world, the VUCA world. Therefore, following the previous business models, worldviews, and collective behaviours are no longer viable. This VUCA world calls for new and evolutionary paradigms and roadmaps that can act as signposts for the transition of this generation to a more sustainable one and an inspiration for future generations.

Paradigms change often occurs when a critical mass is reached, when enough people see the need for change or when potent events force societies to forge into new territories. Over the past 15 years, the world has witnessed such perception-shifting events, from climate change catastrophes to wars and humanitarian crises. These have tipped social readiness towards a more sustainable co-habitation model for humanity with other beings on Earth. In the meantime, the rise of smart urbanisation means citizens are increasingly becoming technologically dependent and exposed to the impacts of digitalisation on their daily lives.

The problem with this technological encounter emerges because the overall paradigm of smart urbanisation has been techno-centric and has historically left people out of the design and inception loop of smart and modern societies. This technology-centric paradigm has disproportionately focused on technological enablers and less on the social, cultural, emotional and spiritual factors contributing to a fulfilling urban life. This unbalanced view of smart urbanisation has given rise to cities that are smart on the surface. However, the industry is gradually waking up to the perils of this technocentric approach and is moving towards more people-centric approaches.

In my book Mindful Smart Cities, I put forward a systemic roadmap that unifies the streams of bits of intelligence and smartness in urban systems and ensures smartness is treated as a journey unique to each city. Inspired by this vision and the exciting emerging technologies, we have built the world's first-ever Mindful Smart Citizenship platform that is people-centric and evolutionary. The future world thrives on resilient and smart urban communities. Our goal here is to pioneer this emerging ecosystem of people-centric smart cities, and we pride ourselves on leading a renaissance by offering urban communities worldwide our unique ecosystem.

Dr Shima Beigi

CEO and Founder

Why Mindful Smart Cities?

Shima Beigi, in conversation with David Sloan Wilson, shares the philosophical and scientific pillars of her book and vision, Mindful Smart Cities:

Triple AI Podcast

Welcome to the Triple AI Podcast. In this space, we connect with the best minds in the world and share with you how we can use the best of the smart city world, the most important scientific works, the best of technologies, and the best ideas from technology leaders and heroes to transform the lives of urban communities across the globe truly. The Triple AI stands for

  • Awakened Individuality (AI.0)

  • Ancient Intelligence (AI.02)

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI.03)

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